Another Day With Hull Harp

My second day with Hull Harp was very informative again, I met Ash on my way to Dock House for the breakfast club, even from a bit of a distance behind him he’s unmistakable with his great big lot of hair.

As we arrived at Dock House there were people waiting outside again wanting their breakfast as we prepared to open for the Breakfast Club.

Dave was there again and so was Michele to do my induction along with that of the new volunteer who started today.

We started serving at 9 o clock as usual dishing up various breakfast cereals like Weetabix and Corn Flakes to the hungry people who regularly attend there.

After we’d been serving for about half an hour the delight that is Michele came to take me from the kitchen and we went to one of the store rooms to pick out some ingredients for a cooking class that will be taking place at one of the other properties where Hull Harp operate.

After this we went up to her office for my induction which includes filling in lots of forms, sometimes repeating things that we’ve put on other forms, and talking about what I can expect from Hull Harp and, more importantly, what Hull Harp expect from me.

After we had filled in all the paperwork and spoken about what I’ve signed up for I was asked to get Rod, the other new volunteer, from downstairs so we could discuss everything we needed to together before loading up lots of charitable donations like food parcels and bedding into Michele’s car and going to visit the Aspire project.

The Aspire project is based in three houses, one of which has a small office from where the staff work. In there we met Dave and Emma and we were shown round by Chris who had come with us from Dock House while Michele had quick meetings with Emma and Dave.

The houses are quite basic houses of multiple occupancy with things like a cooker and a fridge freezer in them and some furniture although, of course, we didn’t go into any of the occupied bedrooms.

Drink and Drugs are absolutely prohibited at every Hull Harp property and the residents and staff obviously keep the houses clean and tidy and there is a nice relaxing atmosphere as you walk around.

Back in the office we were shown some of the in’s and out’s about working there before bidding Dave, Emma and Chris goodbye.

After a quick stop to drop off some bedding we went back to Dock House because Rod needed to be getting off home to his wife and children.

I stayed for a bit and helped with the washing up from the Tuesday chill-out before coming home, tomorrow I’m back at the Breakfast Club before I go and see another Hull Harp project in action.

wpid-wp-1440514960454.jpeg from left to right at Aspire Project: Emma, Dave, Rod Michele and Chris

wpid-wp-1440515041817.jpeg the team at Aspire project with me in the middle

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